Real Estate – Digital Assets – Web3

Elegant Solutions for Complex Problems

Established in 1994, Jameson Capital advises on real estate investments and finance on the corporate/platform and project level, including strategic planning, capitalization, re-structuring, joint ventures, deal origination, transaction negotiation and closing, short-term and long-term debt and equity (especially creative and innovative solutions for complex transactions), asset management, and review of investment performance.


The Future of Finance is Digital

Syndication + Smart Contracts + Blockchain + Global Reach + Secondary Trading

Jameson Capital has assembled an eco-system of highly qualified, institutional quality service providers to digitalize and tokenize real estate.

Jameson Capital’s partnerships enable its clients to create white-label private portals and/or partner with regulated broker/dealers and alternative markets to create a listing on a public marketplace providing primary offerings and secondary trading in compliance with SEC regulations and other legal requirements.

Digitalization and Tokenization are the next steps in increasing efficiency, reducing costs, expanding the investment base of institutional and small (fractionalized) investors, opening investment globally, and providing liquidity for what has historically been an illiquid asset.



Web3 is the latest iteration of the internet, blockchain, distributed ledgers, multiverse, etc. applied to functions such as FinTech, PropTech, Operations, Creative Activities, etc. in a decentralized manner. Web1 was read, Web2 was read-write and dominated by big tech, and Web3 is read-write-own-your-own-date with a strong emphasis on interactivity.